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Autumn, what a wonderful post. It does feel like doom and gloom have taken control. That seems to be the story that people are drawn to in this moment. I think what scares people about accepting that they are in control of their story is that once you accept that, it becomes nearly impossible to blame others for your perceived shortcomings.

I recently changed the story I tell myself. I opened up to the idea that I was doing it wrong. It took a few years of therapy and the support of my wife but I’ve been doing a lot better. Last week I read A Return to Love. For most of my life I would have shit all over this book. I would have viewed it as a scam. A huckster trying to dilute my ego. Sometimes a book is good because you are open and ready to receive it’s message. The timing worked out. But it wasn’t the timing. It was me, I was the one who worked out.

Since reading A Return to Love, I have been more patient with myself and others. I don’t obsess over my flaws, and the flaws of others. It’s only been a week and I know that it will take a conscious effort on my part to continue the story.

Thank you for your thoughtful post, I hope that it can reach someone who is searching for an alternative to doom and gloom.

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